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Through God’s love we learn together, grow together and achieve together.

The Trust and Governance

Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Multi Academy Trust serves the children of West Essex Deanery.  We currently consist of three schools. St Alban's Catholic Academy, Harlow, St Luke's Catholic Academy, Harlow, St John Fisher Catholic Primary, Loughton.  As a Catholic Multi Academy Trust we work closely together to share good practice and build communities of learners across our Deanery.  

The trustees of Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Multi Academy Trust are seeking governors to support the leadership of the schools they serve.

Can you help?

Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Multi Academy Trust consists of three Catholic schools

  • St. Albans Catholic Academy in Harlow,
  • St Luke's Catholic Academy in Harlow
  • St John Fisher Catholic Academy in Loughton

Active governance supports the Catholic community and Catholic education in a variety of ways, most importantly it can have a significant impact by raising the quality of educational provision in our schools, which in turn ensures our children have a rich and full life, growing as ambassadors our Catholic faith.

We are particularly seeking governors who can support the schools using their professional qualities, such as leadership and management, finance and HR.

Being a foundation governor in a Catholic school is very rewarding, and a great way to live out your faith and serve your local community. It is also an opportunity to learn new skills which can have a positive impact on your own learning and professional development.

If you are interested please email or click the link "Governor Application".